Trials of an artist.

For those people that don’t know me . I am not a full time artist but a mere plumber working to pay the bills. I would however like to be able to say that i am a full time artist, but i don’t feel that will happen any time soon.

For that reason i feel annoyed with myself. You see my youngest son woke up this morning complaining he was feeling unwell, so being the caring dad that i am i took a day of leave. But like most 10years olds as soon as you say “its ok your not going to school.” They seem to feel so much better and are able to play on their games machines . That is not why i am feeling annoyed with myself , the reason for that is i have an unscheduled day off and i can do some painting but i have no idea what to paint . Im walking about like I’m lost in some wooded forrest not knowing which way to turn.

Its like a writers block only its paint and not words. Having said that though, i am starting to run out of space for new paintings, i am trying to sell them. No one seems to be interested.

Oh well there is always tomorrow .

Happy painting

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