Trails of an artist

Its been quite a while since my last blog, for no reason other than i have not had time or felt i had anything to write.

I still don’t really have anything new to write, i and my art partner are still continuing to try and get off the ground with what we thought was a good idea as we have seen other people do the same and make a great success, maybe its just a time thing.

What i am leading to is the fact that to many any money, let alone a living out of art you have to be lucky, damn lucky. For i see so much artwork round that it amazes me that they are selling it for ££££££’s when i sometimes have trouble giving my art away.

What is it that they have that i dont or indeed we ( me and my fellow ideas partner) and others do. I sometimes feel that for all the hard work and time that we put in is it worth it , the answer is probably not. But on the other hand i enjoy doing art and will never stop, so will we ever make make it in the art word, well only time will tell.

But i will tell you this, it is so bloody hard to get anywhere in the art world that sometimes it feels that it is not worth the effort, but as the saying goes “Rome was not built in a day” so i will keep trying and maybe, just maybe i will have become an artist that earns money… thats a though

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