Happy days are coming

Hi there . Sorry been a while since my last blog, been a bit busy.

Last time i was mentioned about an up coming art demo i was to hold. Well did that to a small but appreciative audience. It was my first really demonstration, were people sat and i talked and demonstrate how i did what i do, as well as getting participants to have a go and all in all it was a success, to the extent that i have been asked to return.

Also i and a fellow creative ( photographer) have founded an art collaborative for fellow artist to have their work exhibited and hopefully sell. We are however in the infancy stage but we have meetings with potential venues and the amount of creatives on the books is small, but that can only increase.

So as you can read my life seems to be heading in a different path ( work wise) only time will tell, but having had this idea for many years i will not be rushing into it, let it grow like a flower then it will bloom when the time is ready.

Any way have a great day, and remember always keep creating

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