Demo Day- Trials of an artist

Hello to one and all.

For those that have read one of my previous posts or follow me on other social media sites may be aware that today i am doing a demo at a shop that has some of my works for sale.

Having done demos before, it is not something that I’m particularly nervous about , but the demos i have done before have never been for a captive audience, its always been at shows and people have passed by and on the occasion stopped, watch what i do and maybe had a conversation.

This time round there will be people standing/sitting watching how and what i do and that is nervous but very exciting. Exciting to the point that i woke up earlier than i normally would thinking about what and how i am going to demonstrate, what will i want to take and a million other things . On top of this excitement i also have to meet up with a client to return a bike i have been doing for him, so I’m hoping for a happy customer there as well.

So all in all quite a busy Saturday. I hope your is as fulfilling as mine.

Until next time, keep creating!!

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