Happy days- trials of an artist

Today is one of those days that is good.

Good for one reason only and that reason is, several years ago when i started on this journey to try and become a full time artist (which i have yet to achieve) i started my Facebook page (Anything Airbrush) with the view to get a few likes , manly from friends and family to be truthful

But today have 1500 likes and followers, now in a grand scale of things that may not seem a lot but to me its a massive mile stone . As most of my work comes from Facebook, the more likes/followers i have the more chance there is for me to become a full time artist.

So to go back over what i said in a previous post sometimes and more often than not its the hare that wins the race. Slow and constant will in the end hopefully bring the riches you so desire.

Hope everyone has a great day and remember, keep creating !!

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