Slow burner – trials of an artist

If there is one piece of information that i can give is that being an artist trying to make a living out of it is most definitely a slow process. Unless that is you are very lucky.

For i have been drawing and doodling pretty much all my life, it was only about 8 or so years that i first picked up an airbrush and immediately was hooked, and it has taken me that long to just get a few paid jobs. It has started to pick up on a more regular basis due to my art getting better ( through practice) but also the use of social media has helped immensely, my client base can be anywhere. I even had a customer from the USA, which was great.

I guess the overall reason for this particular blog was to say that if you always believe in what you do, you can hopefully get to where you want to be.

Like i mentioned it has taken many years for me , but feel that my patience is starting to pay off. As i have art work in a shop. Im in partnership with a fellow creature to push our creativity to a new audience and i have been invited to do demonstrations at a shop with the idea to doing workshops .

So no matter how long it takes I’m sure you will get there.

Always keep creating…..

3 thoughts on “Slow burner – trials of an artist

  1. This was great to read! And congratulations! Incidentally I shared a blog about my want as a child to be a painter/designer but I could never realize my dreams for the fear of not being able to make a proper living out of it 😦
    Right now I am one sad soul, but so very happy for you 🙂

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    1. Thanks for your kind words, appreciate it. Never give up on your dreams even if it is only yourself that you impress. If you do something that you enjoy it should not mater if people like it or hate it, and you never know through time your dreams may get answered. Never easy, always hard but worth the journey.

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