Whats the cost- Trials of an artist

Being an artist trying to increase traffic on my Facebook and Instagram pages as well as attempting to try and make my art financial benefit to me is a challenge, one that I’m happy to be undertaking.

There is however one thing that can and will increase your social media coverage is if you give your art away from time to time. I know it is a little annoying to have slaved over a piece that you are proud of just to give it away, but one thing we all like is something for free. What i have done in the past is that i do practice piece and give that away. An example of this is i did a colour “Chucky” picture and as people will become aware of me , i do not feel comfortable doing colour. So for me to do a colour piece of art, give it away and that person to be happy is a result in my eyes.

That person then posts it on their social media sites which it turn gets traffic to your site. A win win situation.

Also what i do is give art to organisations to raffle off. An up coming example of this is my son plays rugby and they have a big fund raising day to raise money for the club, so i have done some portraits of rugby player for them to auction them off. This i hope will also in turn increase my likes . I will let you know the results of that when it happens

Until next time , keep creating.

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